Welcome to Old Porvoo!
Hi! Welcome to our lovely home town! Here’s something important we wrote down.
We’re more than happy that you visit our home area,
but there are some things that can cause us hysteria.
We’re happy and friendly people, but love our personal space,
so please don’t enter our private yards or stick a camera to our face.
If you want a photo of us or anyone’s child,
shooting without permission might drive us a bit wild.
Our Cathedral is a gorgeous old place to visit,
but when the doors are closed, it isn’t polite to enter, now is it?
Though Porvoo’s cafés and boutiques look pretty and antique,
they employ us, so come in, buy souvenirs, have a meal – take a peek.
And when you need to go or check your hairdo,
there are dedicated toilets to go to. (Rihkamakatu 4 and Siltapuisto parking area)
When the other nature calls, enjoy our unique national urban park,
please respect our wildlife, collect your trash and don’t leave a mark.
And one final thing we’d like to say,
enjoy, respect Porvoo on your stay!
Enjoy & Respect
The World Happiness Report shows that Finland is the happiest country in the world, and we really are very friendly and hospitable. However, Finland is one of the most sparsely populated countries in Europe, with only 18 inhabitants per km² and that is why we respect our privacy a lot and our personal space is very dear to us.
There are about 800 people living and working in Old Porvoo. Porvoo is the 2nd oldest town in Finland, it became a town in 1380 and many houses date from the18th and 19th century and are private houses. At that time people had a lot of domestic animals and the gates were built to keep them on the yard. Nowadays, when a gate is closed it means that you should not enter. Old Porvoo is one the most picturesque places in Finland and inspires photographers around the world. Please, feel free to share photos of our unique environment (using #visitPorvoo) but respect our privacy. In addition, in Finland you respect others (and their personal space) by asking a permission if you take a photo of them, especially if you photograph children. We also kindly ask you to avoid flying drones above private courtyards.
We warmly welcome you to familiarize yourself with our beautiful Cathedral, dating back to the 14th century. In summer you may have a chance to listen to charming organ music and take part in appealing concerts. Please, note that as the Cathedral is a working and living church and community it may at times be closed for general visiting and opening hours may change depending on the nature of ceremony taking place. Porvoo Cathedral is an extremely popular wedding venue and many Finnish people prefer making their vows in private.
Old Porvoo boasts more than 20 tourism service providers: restaurants, cafes, museums and galleries. You are welcome to go in and have a look around in our lovely boutiques and speciality shops. You get more personal service if you move in pairs or in small groups rather than in a large group.
Porvoo is proud of its versatile restaurant scene. If you decide to enjoy lovely delicacies in famous restaurants and cafes you are welcome to use their restrooms. Public toilets are located next to the coach pick-up points at Rihkamakatu 4 and Siltapuisto parking area next to Old Porvoo and are marked with a symbol.
In summer there is a courtesy bus which takes you through the beautiful national urban park. You can respect our beautiful park by leaving no trash and collecting your dog´s poop.
Old Porvoo is full of history and exciting stories: maintaining this delicate balance between people, heritage and unique landscape is the key to Old Porvoo experience.
Thank you for paying this special place the respect it deserves! #enjoyrespectoldporvoo
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