Booking information
Porvoo is a child friendly city. We think that quality education creates the best conditions for a child’s growth, well-being and participation. The city of Porvoo offers education mainly in two languages, Finnish and Swedish.
The city’s education division includes early childhood education and care, pre-primary education, basic education and general upper secondary education as well as adult education at schools. It also includes libraries, Porvoo Region Music Institute and Porvoo Art School as well as youth and sports facilities.
Some of our units welcome international visitors. The visits are organized during regular working days and hours. Special occasions and holidays affect the availability of visiting times.
How to book a visit
Find a unit that interests you and send your request by e-mail to the listed contact person, preferably 30 days in advance. Please inform the contact person about:
• preferred date and content of the visit
• preferred language of presentation
• group size (please consult with the visiting venue, group size restrictions might apply)
• your organization and professional background of your group
If you are not yet familiar with the Finnish Education System, we recommend you to book a basic lecture about the system and its implementation in the City of Porvoo as part of your visit.
Other lectures, presentations and workshops on themes derived from Finnish curricula can be negotiated separately to complement the visit.
Visiting fees and invoicing
The City Of Porvoo has a jointly agreed price list that applies to all school and kindergarten visits in Porvoo. The price of the visit will be stated in connection with the relevant visit inquiries when you are in contact with the listed contact persons per visiting venue.
If the visiting group dines at the school, an additional feel shall be charged for the meal as well as for a possible tea/ coffee. Fees are charged separately at current rates per person. Other possible programs and materials will be charged separately.
The City of Porvoo will invoice you after the visit. VAT +24% will be added to all visiting fees and catering costs. Unfortunately, we cannot accept cash payments.
Possible additional questions related to school and kindergarten visits in Porvoo by email: tourist.office@porvoo.fi